Διαθεματική δράση – “ Γνωριμία των μαθητών με επαγγελματικούς χώρους απασχόλησης Χημικών-Χημικών Μηχανικών-Βιοχημικών-Βιοτεχνολόγων στην Έρευνα και τη Βιομηχανία. Συσχέτιση της Ορολογίας στην Αγγλική Γλώσσα”

Ο μαθητής καλείται πολύ νωρίς, στην Α’ Λυκείου, να πάρει αποφάσεις καθοριστικές για όλη τη ζωή του μέσα σε ένα δαιδαλώδες εκπαιδευτικό και εργασιακό περιβάλλον. Το σχολείο έχει υποχρέωση να τον βοηθήσει να διαμορφώσει μορφωτικό και κοινωνικό ρόλο, ικανό να ανταποκριθεί με επιτυχία στις εκπαιδευτικές και επαγγελματικές αποφάσεις.
Σε αυτό το πλαίσιο, και για το σχολικό έτος 2023-2024, έγινε η προσπάθεια γνωριμίας των μαθητών με επαγγελματικούς χώρους απασχόλησης Χημικών-Χημικών Μηχανικών-Βιοχημικών-Βιοτεχνολόγων στην Έρευνα και τη Βιομηχανία.
Η υλοποίηση των εργασιών πραγματοποιήθηκε από τους μαθητές στην Αγγλική Γλώσσα ώστε οι να εξοικειωθούν με τους επιστημονικούς όρους που μπορεί να συναντήσουν μελλοντικά στον εργασιακό τους χώρο.
Παραθέτουμε κάποιες επιλεγμένες εργασίες που ξεχώρισαν τόσο σε πληρότητα περιεχομένου, όσο και σε αρτιότητα δομής και χρήσης της αγγλικής.
A visit in a Greek Company that produces beauty products for women and men
Νάσσιος Κωνσταντίνος, Κουκουζέλης Νικήτας, Πατριανάκος Χάρης, Μπέσης Ιωάννης
As part of the activity in the Chemistry lesson about the discovery of modern professions, our class visited the Korres factory. As an established Greek company specializing in cosmetics, Korres has always distinguished itself by combining natural ingredients to create innovative formulations.
Arriving at the factory, we were greeted by the sweet aroma of botanical extracts and the hum of machinery. Our tour guide, an experienced staff member, took us through the various stages of production. We started with a tour of the raw material storage area, where boxes of live herbs and flowers waited to be transformed into beauty elixirs. It was awe-inspiring to witness the abundance of natural resources procured by Korres.

We then moved on to the quality control department, where rigorous testing ensures that each batch meets Korres’ exacting standards. We observed technicians meticulously analyzing samples under microscopes and performing sensory evaluations to assess texture and aroma. It became obvious that Korres prioritizes not only the effectiveness of its products but also the sensory experience they offer consumers.
Next, we visited the area where the products were packed. The rate at which the cosmetics were placed in the packages, which were in turn covered with the appropriate label and then placed in large boxes for storage, was quite impressive. In fact, the tour guide informed us that approximately 90 products are packed every minute, which is due to the automated machines that have freed the employees from a tedious job.

As we completed our tour, we delved into the heart of the production process. Rows of stainless steel tanks stood tall, each containing a unique blend of botanical extracts and scientific compounds. Our guide explained how Korres combines traditional herbal wisdom with cutting-edge research to develop formulas that nourish and rejuvenate the skin. From gentle cleansers infused with chamomile to powerful serums infused with Greek yogurt, each product seemed to embody the harmony between nature and technology.
Reflecting on our experience at the Korres factory, we realized the profound effect of the marriage of nature and science in the field of cosmetics. Beyond simple beauty products, Korres embodies a philosophy based on respect for the environment and appreciation for natural ingredients. Our field trip not only deepened our understanding of how factories work, but it gave us the opportunity to learn about new professions and perhaps find something that suits us.
Testing a chemical product before being released
Γιώργος Πνευματικάτος

R&D in the Cosmetics Industry
Ειρήνη Βασιλείου

Ιάσων Φωτάκης